Exotic Animal FAQs

At Summit Dog and Cat Hospital in Summit, we understand the fascination and appeal of exotic animals. As an Exotic Animal Clinic, we're dedicated to providing comprehensive veterinary care for a wide range of species beyond the traditional dog and cat. We would like to address some of the most commonly asked questions about exotic animal ownership and care.

Exotic Animal

What Qualifies as an Exotic Pet?

The term "exotic pet" refers to any animal that is not typically kept as a household companion, such as dogs or cats. This can include reptiles, amphibians, birds, small mammals, and even some invertebrates. Exotic pets often have specialized care requirements that set them apart from more common domestic animals.

What are the Typical Costs of Exotic Pet Ownership?

Owning an exotic pet can be more expensive than keeping a dog or cat. Factors such as specialized housing, diet, and veterinary care can add significant costs. Additionally, certain exotic animals may require permits or licenses, which can incur additional fees. It's important to thoroughly research the expected expenses before bringing an exotic pet into your home.

How Do I Choose the Right Exotic Pet?

Selecting the appropriate exotic pet for your lifestyle and living situation is crucial. Consider factors such as the animal's size, lifespan, dietary requirements, and environmental needs. It's also important to ensure you have the necessary time, space, and resources to provide proper care. Consulting with an exotic animal vet can help you make an informed decision.

What Veterinary Care Do Exotic Pets Require?

Exotic pets often require specialized veterinary care from practitioners with extensive experience and training in non-traditional species. These exotic animal vets can provide comprehensive medical services, including preventive care, treatment for illnesses or injuries, and specialized surgeries. Seeking out a reputable exotic animal clinic is essential for maintaining your pet's health and well-being.

How Do I Properly House and Feed Exotic Pets?

Exotic animals have unique housing and dietary requirements that differ significantly from traditional pets. Proper enclosures, temperature and humidity control, and specialized diets are essential for their well-being. Failing to meet these needs can lead to serious health issues. Researching the specific requirements for your exotic pet's species is crucial before bringing one into your home.

Contact Summit Dog and Cat Hospital in Summit, NJ

Owning an exotic pet can be a rewarding experience, but it also requires a significant commitment to their specialized care and well-being. At Summit Dog and Cat Hospital in Summit, our Exotic Animal Clinic is dedicated to providing exceptional veterinary services for a wide range of exotic species. If you're considering an exotic pet, we encourage you to consult with one of our experienced veterinarians near you to ensure you're prepared to meet the unique needs of these fascinating animals.

Don't embark on the journey of exotic pet ownership alone. Call Summit Dog and Cat Hospital at (908) 273-2200 to schedule a consultation with our Exotic Animal Clinic. Our team of knowledgeable and compassionate veterinarians can help you make an informed decision and provide the specialized care your exotic pet deserves.


Summit Dog & Cat Hospital


16 Morris Tpke,
Summit, NJ 07901

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 2:00 pm

