Dog Allergies

Dogs can be allergic to several things in their environment, such as fleas, food, and pollen. Allergy symptoms can make your pet uncomfortable due to itching, gastrointestinal issues, or other reactions. Summit Dog & Cat Hospital in Summit, NJ, offers dog allergy treatment to reduce your dog’s symptoms from allergens and keep it healthy. We are here to share some common allergies your dog may have and how we can treat them.

Dog Allergies

Allergy Symptoms in Dogs

Allergies can affect dogs in many ways. Some allergens may cause respiratory issues, such as sneezing, while others can cause diarrhea or digestive problems. Many allergens can cause symptoms that affect your dog’s skin, such as itching or redness.

Insect Allergies

Some dogs develop an allergy to flea bites. The saliva in flea bites can trigger itchiness and other skin problems, resulting in excessive scratching or chewing. Other kinds of bug bites, such as bee stings or mosquito bites, can also trigger an allergic reaction in dogs. However, flea bites are the most common kind of insect allergy in dogs.

Food Allergies

Allergies to wheat, beef, corn, or other ingredients can trigger itchy skin, digestive issues, or other allergy symptoms in dogs. Commercial dog foods often contain ingredients that some dogs may be allergic to, so talk with your veterinarian to determine which food best suits your dog’s specific needs.

Environmental Allergies

Some dogs are allergic to pollen, dust, mold, household cleaners, plants, or other substances in indoor or outdoor environments. These allergies can cause sneezing or other respiratory symptoms, skin problems, hair loss, or ear infections. Your veterinarian near you can tell you ways to limit or eliminate your pet’s exposure to these allergens.

Treatment Options for Dog Allergies

Our animal hospital can help you determine what your dog is allergic to and offer ways to prevent exposure to the allergens. Our veterinarian can perform multiple food trials, use blood work, and do skin testing to determine your dog’s allergens.

Treatment options for dog allergies depend on the allergen affecting your dog. For example, you can use flea shampoo to protect your dog from fleas if it has a flea bite allergy. We may also recommend medications to reduce your dog’s allergy symptoms. Our vet can discuss treatment approaches with you once we know which allergens your dog is dealing with.

Visit a Veterinarian Near You in Summit, NJ, for Dog Allergy Treatment

Allergies can be a frustrating and painful experience for your dog, so contact Summit Dog & Cat Hospital in Summit, NJ, to get your dog the allergy treatment it needs to remain happy and healthy. Our animal clinic offers testing and treatment to help ease dog allergy symptoms, so call us and schedule an appointment at (908) 273-2200.


Summit Dog & Cat Hospital


16 Morris Tpke,
Summit, NJ 07901

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 2:00 pm

